One Silk St
London EC2Y 8HQ

16 April 2024

25+ Speakers

Leading figures in the ESG Securitisation Sector

250 Seats

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Transition towards more concrete ESG outcomes and better risk management is a key priority for regulators, with banks and investors subject to increasing prescription regarding the management of their exposure to climate and sustainability risks. Several significant climate legislation and reporting mandates have recently been advanced or enacted, indicating that 2024 will be an important year for financial services providers to address sustainability in the securitisation market. SCI’s ESG Leaders’ Securitisation Summit examines the key themes and debates in this burgeoning sector, including the ramifications of the EU Green Bond Standard and the SFDR. The event also explores the role that securitisation can play in the emerging areas of transition finance and nature finance.

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  • 16 April 2024
    As of July 2023, 63% of Article 9 funds said they were not fully aligned with the EU Taxonomy, according to MSCI. Indeed, many firms aiming to be compliant with the EU Taxonomy indicate that what constitutes a ‘sustainable investment’ isn’t well defined and that there isn’t enough PAI indicator data to make an appropriate assessment. This begs the question of what the SFDR regulations are achieving and what needs to change to enable firms to accurately report to investors, especially in relation to good governance practices? How should taxonomy alignment for both EU and non-EU firms be addressed within the broader framework of EU policy in connection with securitisation? Can sector-focused securitisation help to achieve alignment and could the CSRD facilitate material improvements in this context?
    Panel Includes:
    Sanhita Athalye, Deutsche Bank (Moderator)
    Luca Bertalot , European Mortgage Federation
    Raza Naeem, Linklaters
    Generally, securitisation investors and issuers seek high creditworthiness in any given transaction. Participants on both the buy- and sell-side are now also seeking to deliver a positive impact on sustainability. But a high EPC score in the case of an RMBS, for example, doesn’t necessarily translate to high creditworthiness. This panel examines the extent to which positive ESG considerations are also positive for credit across the various asset classes. How relevant are climate risks versus other environmental risks when assessing a securitisation? Are ‘social’ and ‘governance’ aspects growing in importance as risk factors to consider in terms of creditworthiness?
    Panel Includes:
    Anna Bak, PGGM (Moderator)
    Christopher Bredholt, The Green Guarantee Company
    Elena Rinaldi, TwentyFour Asset Management
    James Vergara, Home Run Financing
    Ian Bettney, Janus Henderson Investors
    The launch of the Task Force for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) recommendations in September has boosted interest in monetising ‘nature’ to deliver equitable and net-zero outcomes. Equally, for net zero, transition objectives are being established towards ‘nature positive’ outcomes. Biodiversity credit and carbon credit markets are increasingly recognised as mechanisms that can drive financing towards the protection, regeneration and stewardship of nature. Given that these credits represent financial assets, what is the path forward for securitising them? Do banks and investors currently accept the usage of such credits at the borrower/issuer level? What would a robust level of oversight of these markets entail, considering the decisions made last year at COP 28?
    Panel Includes:
    Leanne Banfield, Linklaters (Moderator)
    Grant Rudgley, The Biodiversity Consultancy
    William Attwell, Sustainable Fitch
    Bharath Manium, Tramontana Asset Management
    Synthetic securitisation is critical in supporting banks’ efforts to increase their lending capacity and meet sustainability targets. Are SRT issuers on the right pathway towards meeting emission reduction targets and how should SRT investors determine whether these targets are Paris-aligned? What are the differences in sustainability expectations from private investors and (re)insurers involved in SRT transactions? How is fragmentation in both prudential and sustainability regulations across jurisdictions impacting ESG SRT activity? Should the industry advocate for eligibility of CLNs under the EU GBS?
    Panel Includes:
    Leanne Banfield, Linklaters (Moderator)
    Alien Pauw, PGGM
    Tamar Joulia, IACPM
    Benedetto Fiorillo, Bayview International
    In the final version of the EU Green Bond Standard, which is due to come into effect later this year, the use-of-proceeds approach has prevailed over green assets underlying an ESG securitisation. Is the minority of investors that still maintain the assets should be green likely to be convinced going forward and how realistic would it be to revisit the requirement for green assets in the future? The EU GBS is a huge piece of legislation in terms of size and complexity, with many items still surrounded by a lack of clarity and interpretation issues. Are securitisation issuers willing to risk trying to conform to the GBS in good faith and then subsequently be subject to the regulator establishing that they have failed at minor or major items and could be accused of green washing? Much still remains unclear about reporting on use of proceeds and the ‘do no significant harm’ requirement. What should best practices in this area entail?
    Panel Includes:
    Begum Gursoy, Sustainalytics (Moderator)
    Max Bronzwaer, Prime Collateralised Securities
    Sjoerd Humble, Obvion
    Boudewijn Dierick, Auxmoney
    Ted Kronmiller, Capturiant
    Joop Hessels, ABN AMRO