Alien Pauw

Director Credit Risk Sharing,

Alien Pauw works as Director at PGGM Investments, in the Credit & Insurance Linked Investments (CILI) team and within that focusses on Credit Risk Sharing transactions. The CILI team manages a dedicated mandate, currently around €5.3 billion in size, which invests in tailor-made bilateral risk sharing transactions with financial institutions. Alien joined the CILI team in January 2020, after having worked at both PGGM Investments in the role of Investment Risk Manager, and ABN AMRO Bank as Portfolio- and Credit Risk Manager with a focus on the Energy, Commodities and Transportation sectors. PGGM is a leading pension fund administrator with origins in the care and welfare sector. PGGM provides pension management, integrated asset management, management support and policy advice for pension funds and manages around € 246 billion (June 2020) of pension assets. Alien holds a Master’s degree in Finance from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.